Fan Mail Friday - Griffinites Give Create 10

Fan Mail Friday - Griffinites Give Create 10

Hello friends,

September is flying by at warp speed, but we are happy to take a moment to pause and catch up with all of our favorite people. We want to start by saying thank you for being with us this week for everything from our AG Members Only show to our Anna Griffin Elegant Papercrafting shows on HSN. It has been a long but creative week. There are no other crafters that we would rather spend our time with!

Let's catch up! We're also going to do something very special: gift Create 10 from a very special Griffinite!

Our Create events have brought together numerous crafters, and has been the beginning of many beautiful friendships. Clare sent this (not Fan Mail Friday) card and we just had to share the lovely picture of Lynn, Kathleen, Cathy, Clare, Suzanne and Linda. So special!

We loved being able to meet crafter Cathy Crowley at our Create 5 event in person. She understands what a wonderful and joyous occasion our Create events are, and Cathy had a great time being able to be creative and further her crafting skills, even if she had to step outside her comfort zone. Although she is unable to attend this year because she is recovering from a virus (hugs to you Cathy), she wants to sponsor someone for this year's Create 10. Cathy is giving the chance for a lucky crafter to experience the event.

So, if you would love to win a ticket to Create we want you to comment here on the blog and tell us about the power of meeting people, making new friends and putting yourself out there. Share a story where you did just that, and about how you are so glad that you did!

If you would like to gift Create to someone deserving, please contact customer service and let them know that you want to pay it forward. From there we will tell your story and prompt the community. Thank you so much for your love and generosity. It means so much, and is a wonderful thing to see!

We are officially less than 50 days away from the Create 10! We have a special deal on the crafting event of the year for a limited time only. Get your event ticket and over $2000 in crafting supplies and materials for $450!

We look forward to the treat of your cards and letters each week. If you would like to send something to our office, you can mail it to us at 99 Armour Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. 

We'll be back next week with more beautiful fan mail, the first of the Griffinites Give winners and another chance for you to win Create 10 from the kind, generous crafters in our community. 






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Dear Cathy, Blessings to you for being so generous with your Create Giveaway. I’ll keep you in my daily prayers for quick healing. Hope someday to meet you. Take care, and God Bless!

Carmen Moyer

I hope you get well soon Cathy.
I would love the gift of a Create 10 ticket if at all possible.
I am not able to afford a ticket this year, but I would love to go. I had so much fun at Create 9 it was my first event.
A situation where I stepped out of my comfort zone and it paid off:
I started Anna Griffin crafting during COVID-19 and friends at work finally convinced me to do a craft sale of my handmade jewelry, cards and paintings. I sold over $220 in products so I could buy more Anna Griffin products to play with :) and I had lots of fun:)

Amber Adams

I haven’t had an opportunity to meet with another Griffinite until recent. In 8 days I will be doing just that. After leaving my fifteen year relationship and raising an child’s didn’t birth I had to buy a new life. I’ve begun to learn myself all over and just getting back into the things that are tried and true and I love the most. Like crafting. As I began to finally start posting again it warmed my heart to be not only remembered by one of the New England Mayflowers but she (Sonya) reached out to me and invited me to her home. I’ve had the opportunity to attend one create but now that I know what I’m doing I’d really like to attend another. The Golden Ticket to the Classy Papercrafting Never Never Land. Where we all get to escape and be wild, joyous, glue stick nuisances hopped up on caffeine & cuteness. I’m sorry you’re unable to attend but thank you for doing this selfless thing. I’m grateful on whoever’s behalf that does win.

Tina Marie Page

Hi Anna,
I am a retired registered nurse. The many friendships that I made and maintained over the years were often found through my work. My most recent job that I left after 12 years for retirement was as a Supervisor for a Day Program for the Disabled. Over the course of time, my clients became family. I built trusting relationships with all of them, including parents, families, shared living providers, group home managers, etc… Once I retired, I maintained some of these relationships, but found that retirement caused me to lose the daily social interaction that I had. I became regretful, and lost my joy of every day life. Then, I discovered your live shows and the ability to interact with other crafters. I have now joined a local group with the hope to meet the members and be able to experience new friendships. To be able to participate in Create 10 would be a blessing as I would be able to connect with people who have the same love of crafts as I do. The icing on the cake is to share your creativity and inspiration and be in your presence even if by a virtual platform. I love to give of my self and now I give cards that I make from your wonderful product line. Thank you for your consideration.

Cynthia Richmond

I work with this guy for years and one Christmas party he and his wife sit down at my table and for some reason or another we got talking about scrapbooking that was over 15 years ago such thing as card making then I don’t think. But we hit it off and we’ve been friends and card making buddies for over 15 years now.. she’s 82 and I’m 71.. and we still get together and make cards!.. I’ve never met a scrapbook or card maker that I didn’t like!

Gloria Vaughn

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