Fan Mail Friday - Griffinites Give Create 10

Fan Mail Friday - Griffinites Give Create 10

Hello friends,

September is flying by at warp speed, but we are happy to take a moment to pause and catch up with all of our favorite people. We want to start by saying thank you for being with us this week for everything from our AG Members Only show to our Anna Griffin Elegant Papercrafting shows on HSN. It has been a long but creative week. There are no other crafters that we would rather spend our time with!

Let's catch up! We're also going to do something very special: gift Create 10 from a very special Griffinite!

Our Create events have brought together numerous crafters, and has been the beginning of many beautiful friendships. Clare sent this (not Fan Mail Friday) card and we just had to share the lovely picture of Lynn, Kathleen, Cathy, Clare, Suzanne and Linda. So special!

We loved being able to meet crafter Cathy Crowley at our Create 5 event in person. She understands what a wonderful and joyous occasion our Create events are, and Cathy had a great time being able to be creative and further her crafting skills, even if she had to step outside her comfort zone. Although she is unable to attend this year because she is recovering from a virus (hugs to you Cathy), she wants to sponsor someone for this year's Create 10. Cathy is giving the chance for a lucky crafter to experience the event.

So, if you would love to win a ticket to Create we want you to comment here on the blog and tell us about the power of meeting people, making new friends and putting yourself out there. Share a story where you did just that, and about how you are so glad that you did!

If you would like to gift Create to someone deserving, please contact customer service and let them know that you want to pay it forward. From there we will tell your story and prompt the community. Thank you so much for your love and generosity. It means so much, and is a wonderful thing to see!

We are officially less than 50 days away from the Create 10! We have a special deal on the crafting event of the year for a limited time only. Get your event ticket and over $2000 in crafting supplies and materials for $450!

We look forward to the treat of your cards and letters each week. If you would like to send something to our office, you can mail it to us at 99 Armour Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. 

We'll be back next week with more beautiful fan mail, the first of the Griffinites Give winners and another chance for you to win Create 10 from the kind, generous crafters in our community. 






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How very sweet of Cathy. I hope she recovers quickly and is blessed 10X in return. I am an introvert and moved to a new location for work 21 years ago. The only people I know are those I met through work. I am not retired due to an MS diagnosis. We go to the local Eagles Club weekly for the entertainment. About 2 months ago, I struck up a conversation with someone at another table (My husband was shocked). He and his wife are not friends of ours, we meet at least once a week for dinner and do other things together. It was great stepping out of my comfort zone and meeting new people. It sounds like Create is that type of environment too and you already have something in common.

Cindy Lawrence

How kind is Cathy? Thank you so much for thinking of others.

For the last 10 years, I have suffered with chronic illness. I have isolated myself from my friends. I have been depressed and did not go out very often. But since becoming part of the Anna Griffin community I have been able to make friends in my comfort zone. This has brought me so much joy now I am starting to heal. My health is getting better. I am no longer extremely depressed and I am so happy to have so many friends who are part of this community. Just like Cathy, they are generous… They are thoughtful , and they are always there for me.

so, this community has helped me more than anyone will ever know. Last week was my birthday and I was my with thoughtful gifts, beautiful cards and messages from all my friends. This was the best birthday I’ve had in over 10 years and my heart is so happy to be part of this community.

Janet Weinbren

Wow, This is amazing and generous! There are wonderful people in this world despite what the news tells us daily. Thank you for your beautiful spirit.

Colleen Perry

God Bless Cathy and all the generous Griffinites out there. I was the recipient of the same gesture for CREATE 8 and I have never forgotten what Joy attending gave me. I truly hope someone wins who has never had the opportunity to attend before. My sister gifted me CREATE this year as a thank you for being my Mom’s caretaker and I cannot emphasize strongly enough how that is going to do a whole lot of healing for my heart and soul. Looking forward to it immensely and Good Luck to all who have the Create dream. Thank you Cathy and get well soon.

Cindi K.

Thank you Kathy for thinking of others. I put myself out there every workday as I work in senior home are. I work as a client care manager who meets prospects, sets the care up for services and then follows the client in their time with us. It takes a lot of handholding with the client who may be quite resistant and the families who can’t do it all by themselves anymore. We also assist the Care Pros who work with our clients who are often going above and beyond in their daily lives. I now live my job as my mother in law is now living with us. I love Anna’s products and being creative and have often been told I should sell my creations. I would love to have a weekend of crafting by myself to learn more techniques and time to create.

Laurie Glogowski

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