AG Membership
How do I manage my subscription?You can manage your AG Membership here:
How do I redeem a coupon code?Search for the name of the class – for example: Flower Cart. Be sure to select the class, not the...
How do I renew my membership?If you last renewed your subscription in 2024, then your subscription will automatically renew in 2025.If you last renewed your...
I redeemed a coupon code for a Finishing School Class and cannot access it.Login into your account select Finishing School and then “My Schools” and scroll down.If you are unable to locate, then...
I’m an AG Member and I can’t access my Finishing School Classes or Community.Please check to make sure your membership is active by logging in here: you have confirmed that your membership...
I’m an AG Member, but I did not receive my discountPlease check to make sure your membership is active by logging in here: AG Member Discount is only applied...
I’m an AG Member, why was I charged shipping?Please check to make sure your membership is active by logging in here: Membership benefits include free shipping on...
When will my membership be renewed?Please login here to check your AG membership status.