a card with flowers and lace on it.

Fan Mail Friday – May 26th, 2023

Hi friends,

Happy Friday to you! This Memorial Day weekend we want to remember and honor all of the brave men and women who have died in service to our freedom and country. We also want to thank all of our crafters and their families who serve and who have served. We love this quote by Beth Pennington and think that it’s a good one to share with you. “As we set today aside to honor and thank our veterans, let us be mindful that we should do this every day of the year and not just one.” What a great way to keep the memory of these brave heroes alive in our hearts throughout the year!

We have great mail to share with you today. Let’s catch up!

Michele has been crafting and creating for over 40 years, and she loves all of our products and events. Thank you for this pretty card, Michele!

a card with flowers on a purple background.

Our amazing community gives Wendy so much joy! She sent this stunning card to our whole team for Crop at Home 3. We all thank you!

a card with flowers and lace on it.

Karen and Lou sent this gorgeous card to say thank you for Crop at Home 3. Through the event, Karen was able to meet with Kim who lives down the road from her! Isn’t that fun? She is already looking forward to joining us for Create 9!

a close up of a card with flowers on it.

Here is the inside of Karen’s card!

a card with a picture frame and flowers on it.

Edyne hopes that her adorable card inspires fellow crafters who have this die to pull it out and play with it again! Her lovely stained glass window was her granddaughter’s idea.

a card with a bird on top of it.

Kathy had a great time at Crop at Home 3 with her crafting buddies. She loves our virtual events and the friends that she has made at them.

a card with flowers and a quote on it.

Thank you to all of the wonderful Griffinites who sent fan mail in this week. It is always so good to hear from you, to catch up on what is happening in your lives and we just love seeing the beautiful things that you have created. If you have sent something in a hundred times or we haven’t heard from you yet, we want to hear from you. Mail your cards to us at 99 Armour Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.

We look forward to hearing from you! Don’t forget about our Finishing School Sale! We have all things Finishing School at a special price including our Craft Boxes, dies, refill kits and more!

If you love a sale, then make sure that you join us on HSN June 5th! Our only SALE shows of the year are happening in a 2 hour back to back block from 2pm to 4pm. There will be a Product Preview on Monday!

Bye for now,




Email hello@annagriffin.com

Call (888) 817-8170

Mon-Fri, 8AM–4:30PM ET

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I have one request it would really be nice if you could make a standup card of a motorcycle. You’ve got the old car the woody station wagon I’d really like to see a motorcycle.

sheryle fagan

Those are beautiful! You must have an entire warehouse full of cards from Friday Fan Mail!

Roxanne Boggiano

Very pretty!
Thanks for sharing!

Kara Lewis

Dear Anna,
I’m your #1 silent fan
And one of your AGTV clan!
Your product line is beyond compare
It fills my days with creative flair
Blessed with many friends across the USA
They love my acknowledgement of all special days!!
And may I give a “ shout out” to Stephanie Johnson- she is the BEST
She is the ultimate “help mate” ~my 82 year old mind puts to test!!
for all you bring to my table

Barbara Elwell

Have so much of Anna Griffin pieces. I would like to be able to get more of the “Dies” that fit the Mini Empress machine. I’m a senior and could not afford the larger Empress. I have some Dies but would like some others, Can you please let me know what would fir in the mini Empress? I would like to buy those.

Thanks so much. I hope for a reply.

Judi Gard

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