Fan Mail Friday – June 9th, 2023

Fan Mail Friday – June 9th, 2023

Hello friends,

Happiest of Fridays to you! It has been quite the eventful week here at Anna Griffin HQ and we want to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you who joined us for our HSN shows on Monday, and our AGTV Show: Summer Fun yesterday. In case you missed it, you can watch all of the action on the replay here! It gives us so much joy to see your wonderful projects and read your heartfelt letters. There is nothing in the world like this community; we adore you all so much!

Let’s take a look at today’s fan mail!

Michele made the nicest Father’s Day Card for all of the men that work here in the office. How sweet!

a father's day card with a dog and a car.

Lynn made the prettiest blue card to thank us for Crop At Home 3. She said that she isn’t a scrapbooker, but the fomo got the best of her. She had a lot of fun in the craft room and met new friends!

a close up of a card with a butterfly on it.

This lovely card came from Diane along with lots of fun ideas and cute cat quips. Here’s one for you: The cat who caught a bird? He enjoyed a breakfast of shredded tweet!

a close up of a card with flowers and butterflies.

The California Griffinites had a fantastic time in wine country! It was so good to hear from you all- Sara, Joe, Marie, Geri, Sandra, Linda, Tina and Lori.

a picture frame with a picture of a couple sitting at a table.

a group of people sitting around a wooden table.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to send us a note and something beautiful; we appreciate it so much! If you have been wanting to reach out to us for a while, then now is the time! Send something to us at the office; you can mail us a card at 99 Armour Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.

For a little extra Friday fun, we thought that we would play a mini version of the How Well Do You Know Anna Griffin game that the California Griffinites played at their meet up. We will post answers in next week’s Fan Mail Friday. Post your answers in the comments and see how many you get right!

  1. What is Anna’s favorite TV show?
  2. Who is Anna’s favorite musical artist?
  3. What is Anna’s favorite card kit that she has created?
  4. What is Anna’s favorite salty snack?
  5. What is Anna’s favorite color?

We can’t wait to see who knows Anna best! Next week, join us for our Finishing School Live on Friday, June 16th at 12pm Eastern. It will be a jam packed hour of crafting like no other!

Bye for now,






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I love FMF – there are always fun, creative cards that inspire me!

Michelle Rendon

Wonderful to see and hear from ’Griffinites"

Kathy Hornschemeier

What a fun FMF today! I think I know some answers to the questions but am anxious to see next week. I adored the blue scene card from the California Griffinites…it is sublime. Great job everyone and enjoy your weekend!

Cindi K.

Anna’s favorite
TV show Yellowstone
Color Pink (especially mixed with green)
Artist Taylor Swift
Card kit: I would say the Carte Noir FS Box but I know she likes the Rose paper collection the best
Smart Snack: I’ll guess Fritos/chips

Penny Comeau

I absolutely love the California Griffinites “Thanks a Bunch” card.; everything about it; the minty green, the shadow box effect and the cute castle in the background. I want to be a California Griffinite! I lived in CA 40 years of my life. Hmmmm! Maybe I can try to create the Colorado Griffinites…unless it already exists.
I’m putting this one in my Anna Griffin binder!

Kristen Broomfield

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